President’s Message

In accordance with rules and regulations of University Grand Commission, official orders have been issued to establish ‘Alumni Association’ with the main objectives such as

  • To establish and maintain the relation between the CIHTS and CIHTS alumni
  • To continue the interaction between the alumni and existing students of CIHTS
  • To understand and highlight the services that has been doing by CIHTS alumni in their respective communities.

Therefore, as per direction of the honourable Vice Chancellor of the Institute, on 5th November 2014, when hundreds of Alumni gathered to facilitate most respected Prof. S. Rinpoche on his 75th birthday, the Alumni Association of CIHTS (AACIHTS) was first established by electing the members of its first Executive Committee.  Later on, on 10th January 2015, the board of Governors of CIHTS also passed the decision to establish the Alumni Association of CIHTS.  The Alumni Association is therefore, an essential unit of this institute.

The Constitution of the Alumni Association is attached on the website –

I am wishing everybody Tashi Delek and requesting all to keep in touch with the AACIHTS and share your wisdoms and experiences.

Dr. Geshe Ngawang Tenphel  

13th January, 2021